Legal Resources

Seniors and the law

There are a number of legal issues specific to Canadian seniors – and a wide range of resources to call on for legal information and guidance.

Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse: the CNPEA shares information and coordinates resources for the prevention of elder abuse.

Elder abuse: Elder Abuse Ontario discusses why you should report elder abuse and how to do so

Elder abuse and neglect: the Ontario Human Rights Commission's perspective on how to avoid elder abuse and neglect

End-of-Life Law and Policy in Canada: Dalhousie University's Health Law Institute looks at a number of issues related to end-of-life law and policy, including whether euthanasia is legal

Canadian Centre for Elder Law: the Centre provides education and conducts research in relation to legal issues of particular significance for older adults

See the section of this website on Wills and Estates 

 MROO’s Resource Videos highlight topics of interest to seniors.